Getting Rid of Oak Tree Caterpillars

Are your oak trees starting to lose leaves early in the season? If they seem to just be disappearing, then you may have a problem with a Caterpillar infestation. Don’t worry this is quite a common issue among home and property owners throughout North Carolina. The California tent caterpillar or the California oak worm causes…

Staking a Tree Properly

One of the most important rules is that when staking a tree, it does not always need to be staked. Unfortunately, there’re just way too many arborists and gardeners out there that prefer the latter. Staking a tree that has no need for we’ll absolutely do more harm than good in the long run, so…

What Makes Trees So Useful?

We’re a bit biased since we operate a tree care business but there are plenty of uses for trees. You don’t have to be environmental enthusiast or scientist to see the benefits. Most of the time, it’s either right in front of you or you can’t see it with the naked eye. Trees produce oxygen…

Mulching is a Tree’s Best Friend

The title of this article couldn’t be truer. It’s like getting an oil change for your car. One of the best things you could possibly do for your tree and most people don’t realize the significance of it. Mulching will aid in the fertilization process by keeping the soil beneath it, moist and cool. Remember,…

Protecting Your Trees from Storms

There are a number of different methods that we utilize to help prepare your trees again severe weather. In North Carolina, There are just about all-different types of weather that can affect your trees. The sad thing about this is, trees usually are the biggest victims. Many trees that are on cared for we’ll either…

First Impressions Truly Matter

Most people really don’t know the value of trees for the appearance of trees on one’s property. Did you realize how much property value trees could add to your home commercial lot? Trees are extremely valuable due to all the advantages they produce. To begin with they basically tell people that they are in a…