Preparing Your Trees for the Springtime
As the winter winds down, there are a few basic maintenance steps you can take to ensure the health of your trees during the coming year. During the winter, the effects of disease, damage, infestation, and more are minimized, meaning the end of the season is the perfect time to check up on your plants.
When it comes to springtime tree care, the first thing you should do is inspect your land. Check any trees on your property for obvious signs of damage, as well as disease or bugs. Pruning damaged or infected branches, as well as those filled with things like termites, has a much greater affect during this time, as waiting until spring could easily cause the problems to spread due to the warmer weather.
After the snow has melted, clean up around the base of your trees to help promote healthy growth during spring. You should also feed your trees with a slow release fertilizer blend to help them regain nutrients used up during winter.
Finally, during spring, it’s a good idea to add an extra layer of mulch around your trees to help improve soil nutrients. This is also the ideal time to plant new trees. Additionally, complete any tree pruning you might need to do now if branches or limbs seem to have deteriorated or broken since your last inspection.