Removing a Tree – How to fell a Tree
Once you decide that you have a tree that needs to be
removed and you have done your prep work, it’s time to fell the tree. It’s
recommended that you hire l tree care professionals to take care of this task
for you, but if you decide to take it yourself, here is a step-by-step guide. A
warning this is a general guide. You should always get as much detail as you
can on each step, but this gives you a good idea about what you are up against.
#1 Undercut
This is your guide or aim slot for your tree. This is the
V-shaped notch cut you put on the side of the tree in the direction you want to
fall the tree. A 90 degree cut is preferred over the typical 45 degree cut,
allowing the tree additional room to fall before the top and bottom of the
undercut meet.
#2 Backcut
Make the backcut about 2 inches higher than the hinge part
of your undercut and on the opposite side of the undercut. The backcut will release
the stress on the back of the tree permitting the tree to fall. You should NEVER
make the backcut lower than the undercut and NEVER cut through the undercut
because you will lose control.
#3 The Tree Starts to Fall
Now you can shut off your chainsaw and move to your escape
path. Never stand at the base of the tree as a falling tree can bounce backward
over the stump. Assuming the tree fell where you planned, you can move to step
#4 Limbing
Start removing branches, starting at the bottom of the tree,
work your way up. As you go, remove branches on the opposite side of the tree.
This provides you protection as you are on the opposite side of the tree from where
the chainsaw is.
All that’s left is clean up and hauling away the downed