Largest Trees In the World
The largest known tree on earth is General Sherman which is a giant
sequoia. This behemoth is located in Giant Forest a section of Sequoia
National Park in California. It is estimated at around 2500 years old. The tree
is named after General Sherman of the American Civil War. It was named as such
by one of his Lietenanants James Wolverton in 1879.
However, there are other trees that claim the title of largest tree on earth as well. The Hyperion Tree which is distinctly known as a coast redwood claims the title as well. The tree
was actually discovered recently in 2006 by naturalists and has a recorded
height of 379 feet. The estimated age of the tree is about 750 years. Although the tree is well known in the world of nature its location is hidden from the public. This is due to an inherent fear of damage, or actions that may upset the environment surround the tree.