Trees and Climate Change
Trees continue to fight climate change daily as they grow. They remove carbon dioxide
from the atmosphere, transfer the carbon into themselves where it is safely stored
and they transfer the clean oxygen into the environment for all of life to
enjoy. Trees have endless benefits ranging from providing shade, shielding
ultra violet rays, blocking winds, providing homes for valuable wildlife,
keeping the air pure, fighting soil erosion, keeping our water clean, and
offering endless beauty to our environment.
The main process used by trees to fight off carbon emissions is photosynthesis. It is during photosynthesis that trees absorb the dangerous CO2 and pollutants into themselves so that we don’t have to. Major cities all over the world are in desperate need of more plant
life. This is why you can genuinely feel a difference between the airs breathed
in large cities and forested towns. The increased legislation in recent years,
and efforts to avoid global warming are a direct result of human error on the
environment. Trees are the best allies we have in our fight to preserve the
earth in all of its beauty.