Various DIY Stump Removal Methods
There are plenty of different ways to remove a tree stump. We don’t recommend them because they can be dangerous and time consuming. However there is a market for it, so here is the list of options you have as a property owner:
Removing a Tree Stump by Hand: This involves a great many steps so we hope you have the time and energy to follow thru on this. You’ll need objects like an ax, a shovel, a chain, and a chainsaw to manually take apart the tree stump.
Stump Killing Chemicals: For those that aren’t concerned with time, this is the perfect route to take. Chemical stump removal takes about 4-5 weeks to accomplish. You’ll be needing a drill, potassium nitrate, and fuel oil (or kerosene)
Stump Burning: This method simply involves burning away the stump using a drill, and chemicals. After igniting, all you have to do is cleanup the mess.
Stump Rotting: This is a similar process to stump burning, the only difference here is that you’ll strictly be employing the use of water to sit inside the stump and rot it away. After waiting for the wood to become soggy, you can easily chip away at it with an ax and remove everything for bulk pickup.