Seeing spots on Your Tree Leaves?

Seeing spots on Your Tree Leaves? Unfortunately just like other living organisms, trees are susceptible to pathogens, disease and infestation from pests. Leaf spots come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and colors. It all depends on the species of the tree and the type of disease it has inherited. You’ll usually see the…

Dealing with Girdling Root Syndrome

Dealing with Girdling Root Syndrome Trees in forest like settings don’t develop Girlding Roots. This only tends to happen. Girdling Root Syndrome is when a tree’s roots coil around the base of the trunk and begin to restrict the flow of sap inside a tree. You’ll notice damage done to a tree by the way…

The effect of Urban Asheville on it’s trees

The effect of Urban Asheville on it’s trees Urban trees largely have positive effects on the ecosystem within cities such as Asheville, North Carolina. They push out oxygen and absorve CO2 which creates a more breathable, fresher atmosphere. They increase energy conservation and reduce power costs for commercial or residential buildings in the city. Temperature…

Spring Cleaning for your Landscape

Spring Cleaning for your Landscape This is one of the most simple and refreshing activities you can do for your landscape for the oncoming warmer months. It involves a series of small steps. These include: Preparing flower beds, Planting, Pest or Weed Control, Leaf, Cleanup, and Pruning. Time to roll up your sleeves and get…

Lightning Tree Damage

Lightning Tree Damage If you stand underneath a tree during a thunder storm, this is one of the riskiest, most dangerous places to be since trees are grounded innto the earth’s surface and are natural targets for lightning. Your chances of being struck are much higher than being elsewhere. Usually a few things will happen…

Taking Care of Seasonal Needle Drop

Taking Care of Seasonal Needle Drop You should never really be concerned with seasonal needle drop especially among the Evergreen tree species. This is a completely normal part of the tree’s annual life cycle. These needles will turn yellow, brown and then eventually fall off and grow back again. However, you should consult a tree…