Deep Watering Programs For Your Trees
When dry weather occurs for an extended period of time, it’s vital that you keep watering your trees appropriately. Your trees depend on water for survival. If they don’t get it, they will dry up and you’ll have a dead tree that needs to be removed.
For newly planted trees, you should be extra careful in monitoring their growth progress especially when it comes to watering. With most of the roots still in the root ball, you should water this area at least for the first few months until the roots begin to grow outward.
For larger, mature trees, you may be surprised to know that the root area actually extends way out past the canopy. The roots that feed off water in the soil are also located in the upper 12 – 18 inches of soil. Overhead sprinklers, and hoses with pressure regulators are a great way to make sure these older, more established trees get watered properly.